Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Funny Fall!

Is anyone else glad it's Wednesday already? 

Hump day has arrived which means we are that much closer to the weekend!!!

I am really looking forward to this weekend! Nothing too exciting is planned, but I may be taking the piggies to the doggy park again!

Back in the day (around 2007), I found a pug meet up group that met once a month at a local dog park. Immediately I signed up and started attending the get-togethers. They were so much fun and I met so many awesome new people who loved pugs as much I do!!!! To this day I am still friends with a couple of people I met through the group! :D 

Well, sadly, the organizers of the group stepped down from their "Organizer" position and no one else stood up to take charge (through the Meetup site it cost around $72/six months for a membership) and sadly enough the pug meet up dissipated. 

A few weeks ago I received an email stating that another pug meet up group had been made and asked if I wanted to join!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Of course I wanted to join! It was so much fun going out there and seeing all the adorable puggies playing around and snorting! <3 Makes my heart go pitter patter! Hehehehe!!!!!

I love me some pugs! Hehehe!!!!

Sunday was the first meet up and I RSVP'ed that I was attending! Davey and I loaded up Scrappy and Billy and headed to the park. Since this was the first meeting, not many people showed up, but we still had a great time. 

Scrappy in "pancake mode"!!!
We could only stay for a short while since I had made plans to celebrate my birthday with my grandparents over dinner. 

Our new neighbor came over the other night to give me a birthday card (so sweet of her!!!! <3) and we talked about taking our dogs to the park this weekend!!!! I really hope we can make it work out and have a fun time at the park!!!!

As I mentioned above, the hubby and I had plans to go to dinner with my grandparents!!!! :D I love seeing them! <3 I chose to go to Lazy Dog! Davey and I both love Lazy Dog and knew we were in for a good dinner!!! 

The whole restaurant is dog-themed. They have one table with a picture of a pug....hehehe....I have always wanted to sit at that table, but still to this day have yet to have that opportunity! :( We did get pretty close this time, though.....

My grandma in front of the puggy picture! <3
Isn't my grandma just the cutest???? <3

Dave and I always joke that the picture of the pug looks just like Scrappy when he was a puppy and that they found a picture of him and copied it for that painting!!!! Hmmmm......if only one knew for sure! ;)

We had a great time at dinner, despite them no longer carrying my honey mustard dressing and running out of bacon-wrapped steaks that Dave and my grandpa ordered......but we were together and spending time with one another, and that's all that matters!!!!

Monday morning then came way too quickly!!! This Monday brought a new phase of boot camp workouts! I am loving the new set up that Tina has made for these exercises. There isn't much running, which is actually quite relieving to me. I love to run, but my body has been needing a break with the last 4 weeks of running 5-6 days of each of those weeks. 

This phase of boot camp has been incorporating a lot of weights with drop sets!!!! I am lifting heavier weights than my previous boot camp experience and am definitely noticing some definition!!!! :D Yay!

Monday's stats!
Tuesday was a run day doing the 30/60/90 intervals on the treadmill!!!! I remember doing this workout in the previous boot camp as well! I had my Gymboss timer already set up and ready to go!!!! This workout was 40 minutes long and I covered 3.55 miles with the intervals ranging from 4-8mph!!!! That 8mph setting sure does kick things into overdrive! LOL! Full on sprint mode there! I am glad it's only for 30 seconds.....don't know if I could last much longer! ;)

Tuesday's stats.....with a bad screen shot off Instagram! LOL! ;)
I was a sweaty, sweaty mess after that run!!!! Sweat was sprayed all over the treadmill! Hehehehe!!!!

Is it just me or do you feel like you have gotten a better workout when you do a run than just lifting weights? I know that I need to build that muscle and tone, but I just don't like how I feel like I didn't get a good workout in.....even if my body hurts the next day! ;)

Today was another weight day! :D My arms were still sore from Monday's workout, but that didn't stop me from upping the weights again!!!! It felt good to lift dumbbells heavier than what I used to lift! 

Here's to toning up! <3

During a cardio recovery, fast feet shuffles were on the books.....I tried doing them by stepping up onto my treadmill.....this didn't work too well for me. On the first step-up I somehow tripped myself and fell over right onto my ass, barely avoiding the dumbbells on the ground!!!! Hahaha! I got up and laughed it off, but needless to say, I stuck with running in place instead! ;)

I am in love with the muscles on my shins! I can see way more muscle mass now than I did when boot camp started just 4 short weeks ago!!!! Thank you Tina for giving my ass that hard kick! <3

***Registration for a 3rd round of boot camp opens September 17!!!! I highly recommend you sign up! They are so much fun!!! <3 The workouts are so intense that those who watch you become exhausted as well! ;) Hehehe!!!! Just look at the piggies.....sooooo tired from watching mommy workout! ;P

Well, I am off to hit up Starbucks to get a coffee to fuel me on this hump day! I hope you all have a great day!!!!


And seriously.....sign up for round 3 of Boot Camp!!!! You'll be sorry if you don't! Have Siri set you a reminder for September 17th!!!!!!! ;P


  1. 1. Cute pugs.

    2. Love that quote about self-discipline.

    3. Holy hot legs, woman!!!!

    1. Thanks Tina!!! I love that quote as well! And your workouts have helped me to get those hot legs!!!! :D
